About Q-Source

Q-source specializes in providing outstanding services to chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Q-source is a partner company of Grindlays Pharmaceuticals, a well established Indian pharmaceutical company engaged in manufacturing of API & Intermediates since 1981.

Q-source specializes in Research & Development, Manufacturing & Sourcing of API, Drug Intermediates and Specialty Chemicals. Our list of approved manufacturers enables us to offer a wide range of products and chemical reactions to our clients worldwide.

The team of Q-source is highly dedicated and qualified to not just meet but exceed customer expectations.

Equipped with our strong capabilities in sourcing, marketing, distribution and technical support, our relationships in the industry are strong and long term.

The ultimate goal of our efforts is to build and maintain the confidence and trust of our customers.


Our vision is to become your trustworthy solution provider by offering quality products at low cost in a timely dependable manner.


Quality in products as well as service is a key attribute we at Q-source are committed to delivering.


Our Objective is to be your dependable and trustworthy source. We endeavor to provide you unparalleled reliability in timely delivery of orders and customer satisfaction.